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This work, which started in 2021, was developed by a team of researchers from FCTUC and Mindflow to allow teachers to have more time for students, accelerating the process of creating educational materials.
A set of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to support trainers and accelerate the process of creating educational materials was developed at the University of Coimbra (UC) and Mindflow.
In order to respond to the challenges arising from the widespread use of new technologies in education and training systems, a team of researchers from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) and Mindflow has developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to accelerate the process of creating educational materials.
In order to respond to the challenges arising from the widespread use of new technologies in education and training systems, a team of researchers from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) and Mindflow has developed artificial intelligence (AI) tools to accelerate the process of creating educational materials.
Entrevista completa de Bruno Caceiro que passou na rádio TSF – Rádio Notícias, acerca do COVID19
Como tornar a formação à distância mais apelativa, com maior retenção de conhecimento e adequada à disponibilidade dos participantes? A gamificação tem surgido como uma resposta
A startup portuguesa Mindflow criou um jogo de perguntas e respostas para “reduzir o alarmismo excessivo e desmistificar as questões à volta do coronavírus”.
Rua da Praça da Liberdade 19 Loja 4
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