What is Gamification anyway?
Did you know that this whole concept was born in the 1970s? That’s right!
In that decade Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle developed MUD1, called the “embryo of online games” and, years later, the potential of online games began to be recognised, taking into account their role in intrinsic motivation based on challenge, fantasy and curiosity!
Then, already in the 90’s, Fun takes hold and is noted as a fundamental requirement of any software project and here, in the XXI century, namely in 2002, the word Gamification is born.
How was Gamification Defined?
It was considered that gamification “is to apply a game-like accelerated user interface design to make electronic transactions enjoyable and fast“.
And after that?
Then, in 2005 the first Gamification platform was born, designed to increase user engagement on websites (Bunchball) by adding a layer of game mechanics. After the first bestseller on Gamification was published, “Gamification by Design”, entirely dedicated to how game elements and mechanisms can be used to increase motivation and performance in other activities, totally distinct from the activity of playing, the word gamification becomes really popular!
Subsequently, an intense growth of scientific publications on Gamification occurs all over the world, mainly due also to the creation of the “Gamification Research Network”, as a consequence of the development of the whole concept.
In 2015, the interest of Human Resources departments in Gamification begins, due to the fact that they want to solve the problem that only 31% of employees are committed to their work, with millennials , the holders of the worst results.
Nowadays, most applications are gamified, gamification being present not only for language learning and exercise issues, but also in meditation applications, to-do lists, job applications, rubbish collection, etc.
And today?
Today, it can be said that gamification, “the application of lessons learned in the game domain to non-game activities, with the intention of making them more engaging”, is present everywhere!
Contact us and find out how you can use gamification to your advantage!